Saturday, November 18, 2006

Return of the Prodigal: Still in Love with the Parenthetical Aside

Hey, so I spent the summer in Prague, did I tell you? No, of course I didn't, because I haven't posted since the middle of July, for fuck's sake. I don't know what was wrong with me, seriously. I mean, yeah, I've had shit to do. This semester has been the hardest I've worked in my entire life (and yet strangely I'm still fucked, now that exams are two weeks away), not to mention the fact that I'm now dating a boy (eee!), i.e. in an actual healthy relationship, which also requires some time and effort exerted. (Who knew?) But anyways, none of that explains why I've all-of-a-sudden gotten the urge to post again now, with finals bearing down and a 6000 word paper to pretty much get done this weekend (and another huge-ass paper to do over Christmas break, and a major cite-checking assignment also to do over Christmas break, and...ok, inhale). Oh hey-- I think I just answered my own question. This is always how it worked in college, too; most of my nerdy little journal entries were written on paper weekends, in between pounding my head against the keyboard because I couldn't make myself focus on the Ethics or the Summa or whatnot. Also between bouts of throwing up my hands all "Who wants to go DRINK?!?" and heading to K-stein or wherever; I don't know when I found time to actually write the papers. But they always got done.

Damn. At most about 2000 words to write per semester, no research to do, and only one book to consult (hello, Joe Sachs). Man, I wish I'd appreciated that more at the time.

Ok, anyways, I originally titled this entry "Tales from Prague," but clearly navel-gazing won out yet again. I'll probably get bored and write-y again this weekend -- I really am going to try to update regularly again.

Oh yeah, also I'm gonna put some more pictures up on Facebook, from this summer and so on. That whole thing has really taken off -- when I signed up on there like a year ago, hardly anyone from TAC was on there. So it was good for stalking my law school classmates, but I don't know them well enough for it to really be interesting. Now everyone's on there. Facebook is officially the New Blogging. Less trainwrecky, but more participants.


Blogger Erin said...

Do you know how much money I would pay for a t-shirt that says "In Love With Parenthetical Asides"??? (Or, "Queen of Parenthetical Asides", or, for Simone, "King...etc")

Well, not nearly as much as you will make being a hotshot lawyer, and, depending on the relation of any particular day to payday, and...

Whatever. It'd be an awesome shirt.


3/12/06 18:52  

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