Tuesday, January 17, 2006

A big bright spot right there in the future

Ohhh man. I just got into a summer program in Prague. You have no idea how happy this makes me. I still have the get the funding and so on arranged, but...holy shit. It's not even real to me yet. And ok, there's still a right bitch of a semester to get through. It just makes it so much easier, to be able to think about being there after I get through this shit, and not just "after I get through this shit" meaning fucking years from now. Oh yeah. This is good.

It's especially cool because I just watched a Czech movie and realized that, whoa, I've learned a ton of Czech. I could understand it so well that it was actually distracting, because my attention was bounce back and forth between the voices and the subtitles.
And the movie itself was awesome. It was one of the most subtly religious films I've ever seen. It's just amazing, especially for my sardonic irreligious Czechs to have made. Go seek and watch: it's called Divided We Fall.*

In other news, I've spent so much time on the couch with the laptop that I now actually prefer the way it sounds with my wrists covering the speakers. Sort of warm and muffled. Comforting.

*The Czech title is Musíme si pomáhat, which means "we have to help each other."


Blogger Prophet said...


I still have no idea what i'll be doing this summer.

19/1/06 23:18  

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