Monday, January 30, 2006

Allow me to introduce you... the coolest thing I have ever seen.

And really, I'm not making any kind of political statement with this. It's can pick him up! And fling him! He's just so...flexy!

I am officially entranced.


Blogger Dan said...

Just saw the gay cowboy movie, and laughed my ass off when I saw the soopermexican. My favorite was when one of them said "the soopermexican don't have no rights telling us to break the law". ... Yes I know this has nothing to do with your current post.

30/1/06 20:09  
Blogger elsoopermexican said...

the original program is one with a skinny white chick in a bikini. i lost one month's worth of work due to that skinny white chick....

2/2/06 05:29  

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