Thursday, December 08, 2005

It's like Eggs Benedict, minus all that Benedict crap.

  • Get out 2 eggs, some butter, 2 slices of bread, and some lunchmeat ham.
  • Put a skillet on, highish.
  • Put the bread in to toast.
  • Put two slices of ham in the skillet; turn them when they look like they need it.
  • Take them out and put them to the side. Preferably on a plate rather than the empty Domino's box, you walking health violation.
  • Put some butter in the pan and fry the eggs. Try not to break the yolks.
  • Arrange the sandwiches, toast+ham+egg, from bottom to top.
  • If you want, you can pierce the yolk and let it drip onto the bread before you put the ham+egg on there. Egg yolk butter, mmmm!
  • On the other hand, if you threw up in your mouth a little at the thought of yummy liquid yolks, you probably should have fried the eggs longer anyway. Or pierced the yolks while they were still in the pan, that works pretty well.

  • Even better: add in mustard and tomato slices. Oh hell yes.
A final warning: don't eat this in front of someone that you're trying to impress with your suavitude. It's on the drippy side. Then again, the right kind of person will be impressed anyway, and now is as good a time as any to find out which it's going to be.

How are exams going? DON'T EVEN ASK. Contracts. Breach. Remedy. Searing pain.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

What do you mean, minus all that Benedict crap? Do you have something against Hollandaise sauce? Because it happens to be EGG-BUTTER! (OK, well, and some lemon.) Anyways, just thought I'd point that out. (I think I'm channeling Dan, here.) Laters.


9/12/05 14:11  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dan, don't be nasty. I was just saying that it was a characteristically Dan-sort of rant. Surely you're not trying to say that you're not given to ranting?


9/12/05 22:10  
Blogger ridley said...

No no, I adore Hollandaise sauce...but true Eggs Benedict are a long leisurely affair, as contrasted with my version which is charmingly half-assed. And also quick.

Dan, honey, play nice in the comments section. Luvvs.

10/12/05 01:47  

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