Sunday, December 11, 2005

I'm making a law-related in-joke. Please shoot me now.

If asked to come up with a two-word phrases that will someday be very important in their lives, pretty much the last one most people will come up with is "international shoe."

Some of these people will eventually go to law school, and there they will discover that they were very very wrong.

In totally related news, the Civil Procedure exam is tomorrow, after which I will offically be Fucking Through With This Shit. Until late spring, at least. I cannot wait.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Okay, okay, I've got to ask - does "international shoe" actually mean something?

18/12/05 03:37  
Blogger elsoopermexican said...

An Englishman, Frenchman, Mexican, and Texan were flying across country on a small plane when the pilot comes on the loud speaker and says " We're having mechanical problems and the only way we can make it to the next airport is for 3 of you to open the door and jump, at least one of you can survive" The four open the door and look out below. The Englishman takes a deep breath and hollers "God Save The Queen" and jumps. The Frenchman gets really inspired and hollers "Viva La France" and he also jumps. This really pumps up the Texan so he hollers "Remember the Alamo" and he grabs the Mexican and throws him out of the plane.

2/1/06 03:57  
Blogger Erin said...

I love Jake's new thing with the jokes.

Oh, and, Tag.

As if you didn't have better things to do...


11/1/06 11:14  

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