Tuesday, October 04, 2005

I'm not used to this thing where it's a long way to the end of the sentence

I've made several quantum leaps in my Czech ability within the past few months, but I made the somewhat depressing realization today that I can come back to an article on the internet and find the exact place I stopped within a sentence. Think about it...you don't do that in your native tongue, or in any tongue that you're anything approaching fluent in. No, you read to the end of the freaking sentence and then go get another beer or whatever.

But to nevadí. I'll push on. This method* of learning Czech is actually working pretty well for me. I'm pretty sure its efficacy is limited to me, though, because it's based on a genuine overwhelming interest in what they're actually saying in obscure Slavic rock songs, which few Slavs even share, and an endless fixation on text that is written down where I can fix my eyes on it and read it, all day long. In very related news, I read 700 pages of text this weekend in five hours all together. It was in the form of two semi-trash novels**, on the other hand, which mitigates the achievement a bit.

*the method being, find something on the sweet interweb that I want to read, this being mostly lyrics to songs that I love, and then slog through it with the dictionary.

**From a Buick 8, by Stephen King, and Shadow Puppets, by Orson Scott Card. Oh all right: so one of them was all trash and one of them was mostly trash. Well, it was ok, but Ender's Game was way better.


Blogger Erin said...

*Homer Simpson Voice* Hooo....Ender's Game...aaaahhhh...


5/10/05 00:29  

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