Friday, June 03, 2005

Since I'm in the process of grading EIGHT GAZILLION phonology exams, I thought this was appropriate. I got to it from Donzilla.

Your Linguistic Profile:

55% General American English

40% Dixie

5% Upper Midwestern

0% Midwestern

0% Yankee

It's pretty accurate...I don't have a very strong Southern accent, being from Atlanta, the motherlode of Whiny Expat Yankees. But my accent's definitely there some point we were all in the car, and my parents called my cell phone. So I shoot the shit with them for a while, and when when I get off the phone, the other people are all like, "Damn, girl! You just started talking like Dolly Parton!"

And I was all, "Hell naw, she from Tennessee. Georgia accent's way different." And it is.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Though everyone else seems relieved that the quiz showed that they don't use any of that dreaded Yankee-speak, I have to say I'm pretty tickled that mine came back something like 60% Yankee. I mean, what's so great about "General American English"? They might as well have titled a category "Amorphous, But Will Still Get You Looks of Hatred in France."


3/6/05 09:14  
Blogger Dz said...

I was got to post an intelligible-but-funny comment, but it'll have to wait after I pick up the pieces of my gut that I busted while laughing because of Catherine's comment.

3/6/05 20:07  

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