Saturday, June 04, 2005

Beautiful beautiful crazy talk

This was part of an anonymous comment on this blog. It was prompted by a reference to the practice of waxing one's pubic hair.

Creating pedaphilic minded spouses is not a goal in life - Heaven is!

I mean, damn. I don't even know how to explain what's so mindbendingly funny about that comment -- the term "cognitive disconnect" comes to mind, as does the term "spit-take," and possibly also "Bitch crazy." But other than that...I'm kind of speechless here. Speechless, but grateful. It's moments like these that give me true appreciation for the Interweb and the joys that it brings.


Blogger Wavelet said...

heehee. I'm going to compose an anti arm hair removal polemic based on similar principles. Arm hair is, after all, a sign of puberty...

4/6/05 16:19  
Blogger Wavelet said...


Drinking appletinis and falling off one's bar stool while giggling sweet nothings into a random stranger's ear is not a goal in life - Heaven is!

Fashioning hand-crafted jewelry with nature elements in a small but profitable tourist boutique is not a goal in life - Heaven is!

Damn, the possibilities are endless.

4/6/05 16:22  
Blogger ridley said...

Babe, do you mean arm-pit hair? Because I don't think I noticed any changes in the fuzz on my actual arms during that whole Growing Up thing. I mean, guys, yeah, they get more arm hair, but if we start talking about guys and hair removal, that's a whole nother can of worms.

But no matter. The true madness lies in the juxtaposition of the first half and the second half of the illustrated by your second post.

5/6/05 14:01  
Blogger Koobs said...

I, actually, don't have more arm hair than I did when I was 5. Well, maybe a tiny bit more.

Nice link. Whose blog is that anyway? From her posts I take it she is a TAC grad.

17/6/05 14:11  
Blogger Erin said...

Yah, she was in the class of 02, but I think she after her junior year, and got married, hence the husband and babies. I remember she was a VERY talented artist, but I never knew her WELL.

17/6/05 22:32  
Blogger erin is nice said...

i like portia's version of my life better than what really happened. i think i might start telling it that way.

i've been getting some strange anonymous commenters since i started the blog.

20/6/05 19:31  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Only in California:
Armpit Festival

24/6/05 21:49  

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