Wednesday, May 04, 2005

Witches' Night, seven beers down

Jedno: [camera in one hand, full cup of beer in the other] Ok, hold it up so I can get a picture...almost...
Camera: *Splunk!* [falls into beer]
All in unison: Oh FUCK.

Five minutes later; we've moved from the outer darkness to the fireside to do camera first aid.

Jedno: Well maybe we can dry it off some and...hey, where IS it?

We retraced our somewhat staggering steps, and found the camera nestled in the dewy grass. The next morning it smelled like rich malty lawn clippings. Here's hoping it's just the battery...on the other hand, if the memory card is fucked? It just might be for the best. Some SERIOUS shit-talking was recorded on that thing. Beautiful calumny all night long, y'all.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

uhm yeah EXCUSE ME!?!??! "WE" ?!?!
"WE" !?! "WE" did not find the stinking camera - it was MY EAGLE-EYE that scoured the ground with it's penetrating gaze and DREW the camera from its hell, beneath the bowels of the earth, bringing it forth into the searing light of those nasty cigarettes you two were smoking. Give Taco his due!!

-do a taco.

6/5/05 23:13  

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