Friday, February 25, 2005

Throw me a bone

So. I'm supposed to turn in the title of my Culture Talk for this semester. Actually, I was supposed to turn it in, like, two days ago, but we're not all anal about deadlines around here. I dread the Culture Talk, but it's really not all that bad...about 45 minutes of something vaguely related to the culture of the English-speaking nations. It doesn't even have to be me talking the whole time--my colleague with the Ph.D. showed The Wizard of Oz for his culture talk last semester. Right now, though, I'm drawing a total blank.

That's where you come in: here's your chance to influence tender young minds, albeit vicariously. Give me topic suggestions, and I'll be eternally grateful. Bear in mind, however, that I am lazy like the ocean is wet, and thus the ideal topic is one that can be easily half-assed.


Blogger Dan said...

I told you before that you should get into it with them about the conservative culture in the USA and how since Regan it has had a profound influence on the elections, most notably the last. Talk about what make this culture tick and what are its real ideas, and not the ones you here from Bill O'Reily, Rush, Fox News and talk radio.

25/2/05 16:34  
Blogger GertyMurty said...

Why hit them uo about the mosterous ego american have... we have to do everything fisrt vs technlogy advances we are neglecting currently do to religious belieaf.. despite the fact the country was founded on the seperation of church and state...
I know that is a lot... sorry Mr. the Ocena is calling my name...

In the past we had a race with the world to make it to the moon first.. we have handed NASA tons of Government money..
We had nuclear weapns race back int he day...

Currently in the world their is a tremendous about of interest into stem cell research something Mr. Bush the good christian he is will not support...

Talk about how he is effecting our "presence as a "super" power...

Anyway best of luck ith the paper..

25/2/05 16:52  
Blogger Prophet said...

Throw me a bone = throw a discus = throw a baseball = american sports = hot dogs and cotton candy = days missed from work = obsession of sports fanatics = (here it comes, the grand finale) "The Societal Impacts of the American Sports Culture in the Past 5 to 10 Years"

you could talk about the scandal of the steroids epidemic, and/or the booming industries that have come out of sports like the recent craze for authentic jerseys of which most young adult, black, males have at least one of in their closet, and/or the effects that Sports have on these industries, like what's happening with the cancellation of the hockey season for this year, and possibly for many years unless the players and owners come to some agreement. i mean, what about the guy who makes nearly 2 million imitation NHL hockey pucks that they throw out to the crowd during hockey games...what's he gonna do?

if you use my idea, all i ask is that you use my name, Peter Zelasko, at least once in your presentation, in any way you seem fit, and then blog how you used it. that would be awesome!

26/2/05 17:15  
Blogger Prophet said...

damn, i really do amaze myself sometimes.

26/2/05 17:16  

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