Thursday, January 06, 2005

I'm about half-way through Anna Karenina, and holy fucking shit it's so damn good. So far I've managed to restrain myself from taking it to work, because that would cause an even further drop in productivity. I already spend large sections of the day arsing around on the internet instead of grading shit or planning lessons--if I brought that book to work I'd probably reach negative levels of productivity, destroying stuff I'd already done or something.

So instead what I do is I come home from a hard day of teaching (and it is hard--I'm teaching a double class load for two weeks.), I make myself some dinner, and then I sit down on my bed with a glass of whiskey and Anna K. By 10pm I am full of the LOVE, let me tell you.* Damn, that book is good.

*Oh come on, I only drink about a shot a night.


Blogger clara said...

ok, good to know. cuz my aunt has 4 copies. FOUR! i noticed this once when i was little, being the only one to ever actually read her books. i don't know if she even knows that she owns that many copies. ah well. i know who to ask when i want to read it, i guess.

7/1/05 17:59  

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