Monday, January 10, 2005

And then it hit me [see previous post]: I'm trying to plan a career in academia. What am I thinking? This was the career that was furthest from my mind while I was at the college, because I was every day reminded of what sanctimonious bastards those people are. College administrators, I mean. And now I'm trying to work out how to break it to my parents that instead of coming home and going to law school like a sane person, I want to make this a career. Me, for the rest of my life, dealing with the beaurocracy of one university or another, which is the worst kind of beaurocracy because you can't have a fucking bloody-ass revolution and sweep the whole system away. Or, not usually. Not without Allen Ginsberg sitting on a platform and saying "Om", anyways, and that dude's been dead for a while now.

Oh please Lord, someone take away my italics key, because I am losing my shit over here.

But ok, then again....I was talking to Wavelet the other night, and we both agreed...we can't see ourselves doing anything but teaching. Well, I can see myself doing other things, and being good at them, probably. But knowing that teaching is out there, knowing how much I fucking love it....I have to do it. So I'll find a way. I'll deal with the bullshit. I'll get a master's degree. I'll teach English to college kids, maybe forever, maybe just until I find something else. Not just something else, but something that I want to do more than I want to do this. But right now, I can't think of anything.

Besides, from what I hear, being a junior associate is some shite.


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