Monday, August 02, 2004

So I'm leaving the continent on Friday. Barring any complete cock-ups, I won't see the U.S. again for at least ten months. It still hasn't really sunk in...pretty much I feel like I'm going to lay around at home for a few more weeks and then head back west for another year at college. But we've graduated, we really more crew of lovable misfits, no more wacky hijinks. And as much as our particular college experience sucked in many ways, the fact that it's over is pretty hard to take, for a lot of reasons.

Instead, strange as it seems, I'm going to Prague. I've said those words so many times it's started to sound like a nonsense phrase. Prague. Prog. prog prog prog prog. It sounds naughty, doesn't it? "So then she was all Nooo, but I totally think she's progging him." "Ew, roll down the window, somebody just progged." "Prog for brains!!" Hee. At least I'll still have my sense of humor, when I'm jobless and homeless in a rainy, snowy post-Communist country. Where they speak a language that (a) is unknown to me, (b) is completely unrelated to any language that I do know, and (c) is composed entirely of consonants, most of them unpronouncable by my current set of vocal cords. Ohhhh lord.

It's leaving my friends that really gets me down, though. Not that I'm all that close to them distance-wise right now, but if I was in the states I could and would go visit them over the course of next year, or we'd meet up at weddings, like at Sophie's and at Mike's this summer. Also, no phone contact unless I mortgage a kidney or something. I mean, thank the lord for email, but it's not the same. Sniffle. At least we have our little virtual smoker's patio of blogs going over here...we have to keep that going. Let the Snarkage Be Unbroken.


Blogger Dz said...

Good luck in your travels! I'll keep you in my prayers!

4/8/04 16:38  
Blogger Prophet said...

The whole idea sounds awesome to me...just dont think too much about all the prog that could happen. WTP?

By the way, thanks for the linkage, but it links to your page and mine at the same time and goes to neither...


5/8/04 11:46  
Blogger ridley said...

Prophet: Yeah, thanks, I just fixed it.

Katie: Endless gratitude for the kind words and advice. I'll see you there in what, September?

5/8/04 13:27  

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