Tuesday, July 27, 2004

I just saw a completely transcendently awesome movie: Facing Windows. It's Italian, and the main characters are two of the most best-looking individuals I've ever seen. Eye candy aside, though, it's such a good movie. It's deeply moral, too, without ever being remotely preachy. Reminded me of Lost in Translation, although this movie is very different in most ways.

The funny thing is, I pretty much saw it by accident. My parents and I were walking around this cool Atlanta neighborhood where we used to live before we went suburban 17 years ago. We passed this tiny, one-screen indie theater, and my dad was like, hey, that movie looks like fun. We thought it was going to be a cute fluffy French romance, and instead it was...I don't know how to explain it; you pretty much just have to see it. That means you, Dan.


Blogger Dan said...

I don't understand why every one says that I have to see more moral movies.

27/7/04 16:58  
Blogger ridley said...

No, dammit, not because it's moral, because it's awesome. Although we do tend to refer to chic dirty films with foreign accents as "Dan movies".

27/7/04 19:10  

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